Thursday, February 12, 2009

JOUR 61-AP Style #2 (E-H)

1. His new book, on elections and the Electoral College, is titled "Does Your Vote Count?" (4)

2. Brianna looked so sad that he wanted to
envelop her in his arms and give her a big hug, but he was afraid the attention might faze her. (2)

3. They were so impressed by her
flair for decorating that they offered lavish praise and agreed to distribute her promotional flier. (3)

4. He suspected his neighbor was selling drugs, so he called the
FBI. His neighbor, however, cried foul at the accusation. (2)

5. The boys' stories didn't jibe, so their father threw down the gauntlet and demanded the truth. (2)

6. My
great-grandfather is a real gourmet, so I always let him pick the wine whenever we have dinner. (2)

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