Two more errors from a Feb. 21, 2009 Mercury News website article below:
2)In paragraph three, the word should be Foothill Boulevard, not Foohill Boulevard. (2 points)
3) In paragraph seven, the word should be Strobridge Avenue, not Strobridge Avenuye. (2 points)
I-580 freeway shooting injures driver, sheriff's deputy
Posted: 02/21/2009 03:53:20 PM PST
By Sharon Noguchi
Mercury News
A driver who had been traveling on Interstate 580 near Castro Valley and an Alameda County sheriff's deputy who had been standing near an adjacent street underwent surgery early this morning after both were struck by bullets fired from another car driving on the freeway.
The driver was in serious condition and the deputy in fair condition at Eden Medical Center in Castro Valley. The Alameda County Sheriff's Department did not release any identities in the bizarre incident, in which the deputy apparently was randomly shot. A passenger in the car suffered a minor gunshot wound. Deputies have made no arrests.
Sgt. J.D. Nelson gave this account:
Sometime before 1 a.m., a westbound car on Interstate 580 fired shots toward a dark blue Ford Explorer, also traveling westbound. The driver of the Explorer was struck in the head, and the car careened from the slow lane off the freeway, though a fence and across adjacent Foohill Boulevard. The car ended up in a business parking lot near 164th Avenue.
One of the bullets struck the sheriff's deputy, who coincidentally with another officer was standing on the sidewalk along Foothill Boulevard near 164th Avenue questioning a pedestrian. The deputy was struck in the leg or foot.
The car of the assailants did not stop, and no description of it or its occupants was available.
Officers from several jurisdictions, firefighters and paramedics converged
on the scene. Initially, "it was a little chaotic," said Nelson, as the deputies could not make sense of what was happening. They heard gunshots, then a car came crashing off the freeway toward them and one officer was hit by a bullet, he said.
One round of shots struck a house on the hill above Foothill. The occupants, who were not injured, heard the noise of the impact and called police.
In the ensuing investigation, the California Highway Patrol shut down all four lanes of westbound I-580, diverting traffic at Strobridge
Avenuye and rerouting it to 150th Avenue near San Leandro. The freeway reopened at 6:20 a.m. Investigators also blocked off Foothill Boulevard until early morning.
The driver, a passenger and the injured deputy were transported to Eden Hospital. The driver sustained serious head injuries, and the passenger sustained minor injuries. The deputy is in fair condition and expected to recover, Nelson said. A third passenger was uninjured.
Anyone with information about the incident may call the Alameda County Sheriff's Department at 510 667 7721.
4) In paragraph 3, the word should be said, not daid. (2 points)
5) In paragraph 6, the word "from" should be inserted between words "his" and "mix". (2 points)
SPARTAN DAILY Home > News Award-winning poet discusses expressions of grief and love at reading
Stephanie Vallejo Issue date: 2/26/09 Section: News Page 1 of 2
Poetry expressing simple life experiences and a story of how a person grieved for a lover who died of AIDS, captured the attention of more than 150 people at the King Library Tuesday.
The Center for Literary Arts invited Mark Doty, a 2008 National Book Award winner, to SJSU to read some of his works to students, staff and visitors.
Erica Wilkerson, a sophomore biology major who daid she only attended the event for extra credit, ended up enjoying herself.
"I have this thing where I fall asleep while people are talking," she said. "But I didn't fall asleep the whole time."
Doty started the night with a poem titled, "The House of Beauty," about a time he saw a beauty shop being burned.
The nine poems he read were a mix [WORD MISSING] his published works, poems and prose...
An error from the Journalism 61 - News Story 5: Runaway Truck assignment in the third paragraph should be from, not form:
6) Maples was able to grab his hand and, with some help form Police Chief Scott Kirkland and Detective Ken Zinc, he was able to pull the driver to safety. (4 points)
An error from the Journalism 61 - Reporting with Numbers assignment in the second exercise should be median, not media:
7) *Calculate the media prison term for people of aggravated assault. (4 points)
8) March 17, 2009: http://www.nbcbayarea.com/ Local news online headline: Woman Buys $5,000 Fake Cold Bar from Man She Can't ID
The word Cold should be Gold. The web news article was first published on March 17,2009 at 3:25 PM PDT. The typo was fixed and the article updated 50 minutes later. (2 points)
Copy Edit The World Set #2 Total: 2+2+2+2+2+4+4+2
=20 points