Sholin states that the future of the news is here and there will be no more whining about it (19/1). It's not Google or Craigslist's fault (6/2). Local papers need to run local features (7/3). Journalists have to be multi-taskers: they should be able to shoot AP quality photos, use software like In Design and edit their own work (24/4). They should incorporate major media delivery carriers like Twitter and RSS feeds as soon as they become available to the press (21/5). Online news delivery, archived articles and photos should always be free to view (13/6). Journalism school professors need to stay updated with the latest media technology and be teaching the same to their students (20/7). Those who protest new media methods face the other option: being cut from the force (15/8).
Total words: 125
19+6+7+24+21+13+20+15=125/8 = 15.625: there are approximately 16 words per sentence and 17 "hard" words in the writing sample.
FOG Index: 16+17(X).4 = 13.2, or a college freshman's education status.
Since experts are advising having a FOG Index of 7 or 8, my own FOG Index of 13 is too high for news writing.
It's obvious I need to write shorter sentences, remove unnecessary modifiers, stop repeating words and reduce the "journalese".
I think you've figured it out. 15/15