Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blog Post: Magazine

Of all the monthly publications I actually buy and read, I've found that "Wired Magazine" has the most diverse and intriguing subjects one can hope to find in a single magazine.

One of Conde Nast's Publications, this monthly rag has successfully survived recent industry cuts. According to Conde Nast's Media Kit, as of March 2009 "Wired Magazine" has more than 700,000 readers: almost 90 percent are subscribers. More than half of "Wired Magazine's" readers are: 18 to 34 years old, college educated, make more than $75,000 a year and own their own residences.

Created in 1993, "Wired Magazine's" premise is to "deliver a glimpse into the future of business, science, entertainment, education, culture and politics."

"Wired Magazine" contains off-beat, creative articles ranging from "box-form" iPhone shortcuts to researched commentaries about rising sea levels threatening the Netherlands today. Blend "Popular Science", "Laptop" and "Reason" magazines together with a a dash of dark humor and... Presto!...we have the exceptional "Wired Magazine."

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