Saturday, February 21, 2009

News Story #3-Gas Line Break

San Francisco - In the city's South of Market area a 2-inch underground gas line was ruptured by a private construction crew's backhoe just after noon yesterday. At least 100 local residents, business owners and customers were quickly evacuated from their premises in the surrounding four-block area.

On main thoroughfares Folsom and 11th streets, traffic came to a halt. As PG&E worked to fix the gas break, the same corner's restaurant the Wa-Ha-Ka lost at least $500 of business that afternoon, said owner Samantha Feldman.

When asked about the situation, Crocker's Lockers manager Carlann Lauria stated that her customers were irate. Not to be outdone by an emergency, the self-storage employees located their customers within the waiting crowd and accepted check payments on the spot.

PG&E reported that the gas was turned on again at 5:09 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. Don't start the lead with when or where -- start with "what" happened.

    Actually, you've got a little too much info in this lead. Keep your lead to one sentence, about 25-30 words. Go for the most "telling" details; you can use the rest for later in the story.

    "Not to be outdone by an emergency" verges on commentary. Find another way to say it.

